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Loan Policy

The Library of Ensemble Music (LEM) is a music library for I.C. ensembles, students, faculty, staff, and for outside loan use when approved by the appropriate conductor.




*Due at end of block/class project


*Due at end of block/class project


Limit 5 parts for 24 hours


Due at end of semester


Due at end of semester


Due at end of semester


Due at end of semester

*Materials will be loaned to students after notification by a faculty member that use is for class and/or study use only! (See Work Request Form)

SIGN-OUT PROCEDURE: Borrowers have access to the card catalog or may ask one of the LEM office staff to search our data base for a given piece. Once material(s) is located, the borrower completes a Work Request Form. Only office personnel will pull music from the files. (Only exception is Ensemble Conductors.)

All borrowers need to provide information for an account in the LEM, containing all current contact information and I.C.I.D. number. It is the borrower’s responsibility to check the inventory of music materials borrowed at the time of sign-out.

STUDENT CHAMBER ENSEMBLES: Each semester, chamber music is available for student ensembles to borrow after the first full week of classes. Arrangements can be made for each individual in a student chamber ensemble to sign out their music individually. This system helps to prevent any one student from taking on the responsibility of returning all individual parts of a set of chamber music.

DISTRIBUTION OF BAND, CHORAL, ENSEMBLE CLASS, ORCHESTRA MUSIC: Once auditions are complete and ensemble assignments are posted, please watch the LEM bulletin board (outside of the LEM Office) and the appropriate ensemble conductor’s board for information about picking up music for that ensemble. Once a notice is posted that music is available, please go to the LEM Office to sign out the music. NOTE: Please do not wait until 20 minutes before your first rehearsal - it will take five minutes to fill out forms and there will most likely be a line. See Policy for Music Ensembles for more details.

RENTAL MATERIAL (Ensembles & Recitals only): It is necessary to return all rental material to the LEM Office the following weekday after a performance.

OUTSIDE LOAN: Any community member not affiliated with Ithaca College that wishes to use library materials, should submit a request to the Coordinator of the LEM. The request will then be reviewed by the appropriate conductor. If approved, the borrower will be responsible for pick-up and return materials. All materials are due 2 weeks after the concert date. Late fees will be assessed after that date as stated under FINES of this Loan Policy.

RENEWAL POLICY: A given item may be renewed one time. We will provide the courtesy of renewing music materials over the phone. After an item has been renewed once, it must then be returned to the LEM where it will be inspected. Then, if there is no immediate demand for the item, the material may circulate to you once again. All Library of Ensemble Music materials MUST be returned at the end of the academic year!

FINES: General Sign outs: $1.00 fine per week on overdue materials with a maximum of $3.00 charged. Thereafter, the charges will be as follows: The replacement cost, a processing fee, and the maximum $3.00 fine stated above.
Rental Materials: If the rental music is not returned within 2 weekdays of the concert you will be contacted and fined $5.00 per day late fee.
24 hour Loan Period: Due within that time period or the following Monday if sign-out occurs on a Friday. A $5.00 fine per part will be charged for every day late, with a maximum of $15.00 charged per part. Thereafter, the replacement cost and processing fee will be charged plus the maximum $15.00 fine stated above.


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